RAM is use save data when the computer on, more of application we have open, so it more RAM we use, we have usage to add RAM, it is use flashdisk (data saved), with software added (application) eBooster.exe. Without we buy new RAM.
For the example, we open microsoft excel, we want to open Microsoft Power Point, and Microsoft Word, and we want to listen music, so it will use much of RAM memory. It caused our Computer work slowly. it can over clock (hang).
if much application we use it will be more memory of RAM we need. For the example in our computer use 512 MB memory. For each open application we need RAM memory, so it will loose or less.
If we till open photoshop is need 200 MB memory (not real data, for the example), and we use 512 memory of RAM, and its only 312 memory again. If it means we can open another program in that time thar's need more than 312 MB.
If we open more than left capacity it cause our computer error.
So, if we want to add RAM capacity we must buy it again. But if you have a flashdisk, yuor flashdisk will get second function for save data and added RAM.
We used Software eBooster.exe.
We need software eBoooster and we can download here (Ziddu) or here ().
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